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Bathroom Remodeling And Maintenance Information Blog

Winter Shower Tips

How to Take Showers in the Winter

When the weather is cold, and rain and snow are falling, we all feel the temptation to start taking longer showers and baths just to stave off the chill. As much as you think those hot showers are keeping the…

Conservation Tips for Winter

Water Conservation Tips for Winter

Winter is one of the toughest seasons of the year, especially when it comes to your home plumbing. When the temperature drops, your pipes and faucets often get put through the wringer, especially if you live in the colder areas…

Mediterranean Style

Top Bathroom Design Trends of 2016

2016 is drawing to a close, so now is as good a time as any to review some of the biggest and most notable trends in bathroom design this year. If you’re at all curious about what people these days…

Rain Shower

How to Make Your Guest Bathroom Welcoming for the Holidays

The winter holidays are a time for gathering together with friends and family to celebrate – which means, for many people, it’s also the time to prepare for plenty of guests to be visiting their home. How can homeowners spruce…

Bathroom Winterizing Tips

How to Prepare Your Bathroom for Winter

Winter is fast approaching, which means it’s time to break out the warm coats and get ready for a few months of rain, snow, and cold. In addition to changing your wardrobe, preparing your home – especially your bathroom –…
