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Bathroom Remodeling And Maintenance Information Blog

Bathroom with bath tub and windows

10 Tricks to Make Your Bathroom Appear Larger

For those downsizing in the home, spacious bathrooms are often the first to go. Luckily, there are many inventive ways to change the look of a small powder room. From simple visual tricks, to a quick remodel using easy to install…

Person Scrubbing Bathroom Tile Wall

Four Tricks to Make Your Bathtub Look Like New

Between long showers and relaxing soaks, bathtubs face significant daily wear and tear. Prone to mildew, mold, and soap scum, acrylic and tile shower walls and tubs need regular cleaning to keep them looking their best. Follow the tips below to learn…

Decorative Shelf in bathroom

How to Decorate a Small Bathroom

Decorating a small bathroom can be tricky, but creating a well-designed and attractive space is definitely feasible. When getting started, remember to stay organized and incorporate lots of personal touches in order to make the most of a small bathroom…
