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Color Psychology for Painting Bathroom Walls

Interior designers use color to communicate moods and feelings in every space. Though we all prefer different shades, colors are known to have a universal effect. For example, “cool” colors like blues and greens are often described as calming, whereas “warm” reds and oranges can feel livelier.

Using color psychology, you could give your home a makeover without a complete remodeling. The right combination of colors for every area of your home will enhance your home’s style and personality while creating a welcoming feeling. Even in bathrooms, the psychology of color can have a huge effect.

Understanding Paint Color Psychology for Home Decor

Here is a summary of some of the most common color schemes used for home projects:

Shades of Blue to Feel Calm at Home

Modern faucet and washbasin in modern bathroom

Make your home a relaxing and inviting place by painting rooms in shades of blue. Though many describe blue as being peaceful or tranquil, the color is often considered unappealing and should not be used heavily in kitchen spaces or dining rooms. However, it is a great hue for areas of the home where there is water like a bathroom space.

Opt for shades that remind you of ocean waves or the midnight sky to create an environment that’s as relaxing as it is welcoming. Just imagine taking a nice bath after a hard day of responsibilities and enjoying your newly painted bathroom, which evokes all the peacefulness you cannot have outside.

Use Warm Colors for Vitality and Happiness

Whereas “cool” colors can be relaxing, “warm” tones like shades of red and orange can make you feel more energetic, as they trigger powerful emotions. Orange, for instance, is a vibrant color that can bring life to home décor projects. It can be overwhelming in large quantities, however, so limit orange to small spaces like walk-in closets or guest bathrooms.

An excellent option for a bathroom or a home office can be a shade of light peach. This color creates a lovely retro-inspired look, especially when combined with splashes of white, such as sleek ceramic tiles and fixtures.

Red is a powerful color that brings strong emotions to mind. It can evoke warmth, excitement, or even intensity. Just think of how the color is used in the English language, with phrases such as “red-handed,” “paint the town red,” or “seeing red” part of everyday vernacular.

Red can be used in bold home applications, like painting a modern living room a shade of deep rust or using cherry red paint to accent window trim or baseboards. However, when it comes to bathrooms or other rooms in your home, red should be kept to a minimum like in decor.

One more good choice you have for bathrooms is the color pink. It is the universal color of love and romance and can create an environment of intimacy. Lighter shades are thought to have a calming effect, especially when used in kid’s rooms and bathrooms.

Bring Nature Inside Your Home with Natural Tones

Modern faucet and washbasin in modern bathroom

Studio “green rooms” are typically painted this color to invoke calm before stage performances. Not only is green relaxing, but it can also pay homage to nature. This shade would be ideal in a room with dark furniture like a manly study or office space.

Try a light olive shade of paint accented with dark wood picture frames, khaki leather furniture, and a striking mahogany desk. When it comes to bathrooms, wood-like decor, for instance, is the perfect way to introduce natural tones. Combine it with exposed concrete or white walls and you can get a very elegant and modern bathroom vibe.

Yellow as an Instant Mood Lifter to Feel Happy

Known for cheeriness, the color yellow is an instant mood lifter. When using this color in home décor applications, it’s best to go with a lighter color to prevent eye strain. For example, pastel curtains or soft yellow walls add a bright and welcoming appeal to many homes, whereas a neon yellow couch would be overwhelming, in most instances.

Neutral Tones for Coziness and Luxury

Restroom bathroom interior

Neutral colors like beige or taupe are timeless options, often used to add a sense of elegance in different home spaces, especially bathrooms. Versatile and sophisticated, these colors are the best choice for modern bathroom styles and decor themes.

For instance, you could pair a neutral wall with sleek fixtures to turn your bathroom into a contemporary and inviting space full of luxury and elegance.

Another popular color in a room for bathrooms is the soft gray, which serves as a perfect backdrop for multiple designs, from minimalist to classic. Combining this color with crisp white fixtures will give you a contemporary aesthetic perfect for chic homes.

Metallic Colors for a Glamorous Statement

Although it’s mostly found in 5-star hotels and luxury lounges, metallic colors can be a perfect match for your bathroom. Gold, silver, and bronze have been used as part of home decor for generations, and this timeless look can transform a room to feel luxurious.

With metallic tones, you can create a subtle hint of elegance or go for a full bold statement, depending on your preference and budget. Although metallic tones can be more expensive than average colors, they are worth the extra cost.

Royal Purple for Regal Elegance

Nothing channels regal elegance better than an allure of royal purple for your bathroom. This magnificent color choice exudes sophistication unlike any other option. When combined with shades of gold or silver, royal purple can turn your bathroom into something you would find inside a palace.

Additionally, you could introduce decorative accessories like rugs and towels to create a space infused with opulent charm. Through this color, you can create a bold statement that captures the eye and other senses.

Give Your Bathroom a Complete Makeover with American Bath Enterprises

Painting projects are a great way to update home décor while on a budget, and there are many colors to choose from. However, you can also completely redo your bathroom for a more cohesive look, adding new finishes while making it more accessible for everyone.

For durable and easy-to-install bath and shower systems choose American Bath Enterprises, Inc. We are a family-owned business dedicated to American-made products, and we strive to make bathroom renovation simple and affordable.

Contact us at (888) 228-4925 for more information about our shower enclosures and ADA shower systems!